Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Email out to the Mommy's Group

Easier to just post something I've already emailed out than typing it all over again!

Hi everyone!
We won't be there, Elizabeth Rose ("Beth") joined us on Monday at 11:27 AM. 5 pounds, 14 ounces; 17 1/2 inches long - the tiniest baby I've ever held! We got to come home yesterday afternoon, everyone is doing really well - easy labor and delivery! Well, as easy as it possibly could be - my water broke at 5 AM, didn't leave the house until 9:57 to drop Thomas off at Jenn and Henry's (thanks again Jenn!), contractions didn't start getting closer than 5ish minutes and more painful until we were at the hospital. Not even enough time for the epidural or any other pain meds, though I thought I had wanted one. I'm a big wimp when it comes to pain, but apparently didn't need one - even the pushing wasn't as painful w/o meds this time as even just the early contractions were with Thomas' labor (we were induced for him and I did get an epidural after a bit). I know all of you with girls will disagree, but I'm convinced I have the most beautiful baby girl ever to have existed!
My mom is here helping us transition from life with one kid to two, and will be hanging out for the next couple weeks (yay!) so not only are we doing really well, I have a doting grandma here to help if I want a nap! Thomas is amazed by his new baby sister, and has already associated her with pooping and crying (ie he thinks that's all she does) - he's not sure there's a difference between her and his baby doll we got to help him get used to life with a baby. Except that his is quieter.
Anyone else have a kid this tiny? Even the newborn stuff is like a tent on Beth, and when I looked at the preemie stuff at Wal-Mart it's about as wide as it is long - she's not just short, she's skinny, so there was no point in getting any of it either. If anyone has any idea where I could find something to fit her other than the gowns (also tents!) please let me know - it's going to be a couple weeks before she's big enough to not be swimming in the newborn stuff.
Hope you all are having as awesome of a week as I am!
Karen (and Thomas and Beth!)

Will post pics soon, I've got to find the camera cord first.

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