Thursday, February 28, 2008


Yay! I'm (day)dreaming about my freezer right now, as the mommies from playgroup brought over a bunch of casseroles and soups for us to eat. How awesome is that?! We hosted playgroup today, so while trying to finish up getting ready this morning (thank goodness Jenn and Henry were the only ones *really* on time, I don't mind looking frazzled in front of them!) I was trying to figure out what we were going to have for dinner. I was drawing a total blank, then Jenn and Henry arrived bearing a dish of lasagna rolls. Those went straight for the fridge so we can have them tonight - then everyone else started showing up with more food for the freezer! Everything sounds delicious, I can't wait to eat them all. My mouth is watering just thinking about dinner tonight!
Playgroup went really well, though for about 20 minutes there pretty much all the kids decided to take turns having a crying break. We (the mommies) couldn't figure out what *that* was all about, but the time passed and everyone was happy again. Lots of fun getting to hang out - thank goodness my mom was here for those 2 weeks, it was easy doing the little bit of tidying needed for everyone to come. Somebody else had been signed up to host this week but sent out an email Tuesday that her son was sick so she wasn't going to be able to (not that any of us would have wanted to bring the flu home anyway!) I figured we might as well, I think all of us mommies care more about having a place to gather and let the kids play while we talk than we do about inspecting each others' houses with white gloves. Not to mention that with the new baby I've got us well stocked on snack foods, so no need to run to the store. Plus, this way I won't be hosting for a while so less worries as far as interfering with the house being on the market. Anyway, it went off without a hitch, except that I've got another headache so I think I was sort of fuzzy the whole time. Jenn and Henry got to stay for lunch after which was great, but I hope I didn't bore Jenn to death since I was pretty out of it, having just taken headache meds. The boys had a great time playing - for some reason both of them have been acting up a TON the last few days, so they spent a lot of the morning trading places in time out.
Off to change (another) diaper!


Jenn said...

Your frazzled looks an awful lot like my calm. Where am I going wrong? It was great hanging out with you guys today!

Karen said...

Or maybe I just hide it more . . . good fun as always, hopefully me with headache on Excedrin didn't say anything too idiotic!