Saturday, February 23, 2008

Happy Birthday Mom!

My mom's birthday is today, and we get to celebrate with her some more! Yay! She was going to head back home today, but by the time she was packed up enough she would have ended up making half the trip in the dark, and she hates driving in the dark. I'm certainly not complaining!
I've got another headache, I guess pregnancy is good for some things (other than the end result!) - I didn't have many headaches in the last trimester at all, but I've had one every day this week. Ugh.
Clay's parents arrived yesterday, so we've already had lots of fun getting to visit. I think that their being here will help Thomas (who every night and morning has taken to saying "I want Grandma" over and over) adjust to my mom going home. Thank goodness we'll be seeing her in 2 weeks again when we go to look for houses! Thomas was so funny last night, thrilled to see his Nana when she waited for him to come downstairs (he was playing upstairs to keep him occupied until their arrival) - "Nana! Nana! Nana!", gave her a big hug, backed up and started looking around, "Where's Ooh-hoo?" Clay's dad and Thomas call for each other by calling out "ooh-hoo", so Grandad is AKA Ooh-hoo.
Mom and Clay are out running, Nana and Grandad took Thomas for a walk, and I am recovering from my headache and hanging out with Beth for a little bit. She's so crazy-easy to take care of, you have to look every so often to see if she's used her diaper, she doesn't even get bothered by it! Still waiting for that other shoe . . .

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