Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Off of hiatus (maybe)

What with moving in and all I haven't been much for posting lately, but as my mom has posted on her blog THREE TIMES since I last posted, I figured I'd better get started again.
It's been quite a month! (Wow, a month already! I can't believe it's been that long!) Let's see, we left PA April 29, closed on the house April 30, Clay graduated that weekend then went back to PA to finish up his stuff there and get the movers all set, we stayed in Bucyrus till our stuff arrived the following Tuesday, May 13, and have been unpacking ever since. Well, sort of. We had the Cold From Hell (ALL of us! Sick 2-year-olds are NOT fun!) which seriously lengthened the time it takes to unpack. The kids and I went to our first playgroup-meetup last week, it was nice to meet some other people.
We're loving being so close to family, Clay's parents (55-minute trip) have been down twice and mine (1 hr. 10 min. trip) have been down once - a visit every weekend since we moved! My mom also came down one day to shop for some Little Theater stuff. And this is all since we officially moved in - everyone but my dad was here before that at least once to help us get stuff cleaned up and ready for move-in!
My brother Greg and his fiance Sarah came over for dinner last night, which was nice. I made some chicken fettuccine alfredo (main dish) and strawberry shortcake (dessert) as the main things of the evening - salad and rolls to round us out. It was nice having them over, we got to play a game of cards too, which was fun. Here's hoping we can do it again soon!
Ok, Beth is eating which makes it really hard to type so off for now, but I'll try to be posting more regularly from now on out.

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