Thursday, June 7, 2012

Summer activities, week 1

I had forgotten how nice it is to just give a general report on what's going on, even if it is just into my tiny (empty) corner of the internet! The first week of summer vacation has gone off fairly well, the kids have been too busy to complain of being bored yet. I planned it so we have stuff going on every day, and Thomas has been thrilled to see all his playgroup friends that he misses during the school year. We've already done several of the things I have on our "bucket list" for the summer, it's really nice to have a go-to set of ideas. Even when I haven't looked at it, I still have them fresh in my mind so I can throw an idea out as soon as the level of frenzy starts increasing. So far, we've already done the following:
-Make ice cream
-Make pinecone bird feeders
-Pet rocks
-Play Mother, May I
-Build fort(s)
-Ride bikes
-Had 2 playdates at our house, 1 at the mall, and 2 at different parks, plus visited with our best friends all afternoon yesterday
-Thomas and I went with my parents to his first major league baseball game (actually first professional anything game!) last Saturday ... we ate at Olive Garden on the way and Thomas felt so grown-up to get to order his own food and drink


Not bad for 7 days (ok, playing MMI was the weekend before, but whatever!) Hopefully we can keep the pace up enough that we won't have as many problems as we did last summer. We're pretty well set for the next 2 weeks anyway though, the older 2 and I are taking our bfs out to St. Louis for a few days, then Mom is having foot surgery so we'll be up at their house to help her, and Thomas has a junior naturalist camp to go to while we're there. Low-key? No thanks, we're taking this beautiful season by storm!

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