Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Victory is MINE!

Well, maybe that's not exactly the way to put it, but I still feel pretty good. I've had a rough time learning to keep the house nice and organized, have dinner on the table every night (before 9:00!) . . . especially since Thomas (son, 16 months) was born. On Sunday we invited a couple from church who just moved into town over for Wednesday dinner - count 'em, only 3 days to clean! Fortunately I've been FLYing since roughly November, so with my handy timer (a great Christmas present from DH ~ it talks to me and tells me how much time I have left, plus yells at me when I've gone over) I was able to get everything done, even with the sidetracking that is inevitable with a toddler. For those who haven't heard of FLYing, check out - it's an online coaching system to help you establish routines and get your life (and house) in order, FREE. I thought I had tried everything, but FLYing has made such a difference, I can't even start to do it justice.
Anyway, we had this nice young couple over for dinner - newlyweds, married since July, and have only been in the area for a week. I got the impression that this is the first time they've been invited anywhere beyond family gatherings as a couple. They're really sweet, and SO quiet. We're used to being the introverts in any gathering, so it was different being the ones to keep the conversation moving. I hope they had as good a time as we did! It was extra-nice because in over 5 years of marriage, this is the first time we've had people over where it didn't take both of us scurrying around for 2 days ahead of time to get the house moderately presentable. It gives me a lot of satisfaction to know that we made the first step in making some new friends, I was able to feed everyone, get Thomas all set and in bed, and get everything cleaned up with no more effort than it would take on any regular night. It's sort of like when you go to a really good restaurant with fabulous food, and you eat just the right amount - full, completely satisfied, but not overfull.
Okay, it's time for bed. It's been a great day, and I like having somewhere to write about it - maybe I'll even keep it up! Blessings to all!

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