Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Let's try this again!

So, it's been over a year since I posted anything - after just 2 posts (!), but I'm going to try posting a bit every day or thereabouts for a while - just a journal of the day I guess. Apologies for the long absence, Clay (DH) got seriously ill soon after the last posting, so we were in survival mode for a couple months after, then moving/graduation/new house & job for Clay . . . C'est la vie! Anyway, I've thought about getting back on here and trying for frequent postings, but was finally inspired into actually doing it by reading one of my friend's. Her blog is terrifically funny, which is to say she's very funny, but I really enjoy reading it anyway when I think about looking it up, so maybe somebody in the family (or even out of it!) would like reading about our life.
So, quick update on life: we're in a little town in Pennsylvania where Clay has a position as a Visiting Assistant Professor of Chemistry - just a 1-year thing, so as of May we're out of here. Well, May or whenever we actually move . . . Clay's off on another interview right now. He's in Minneapolis, and we're hoping that he'll beat the winter storm out of there to be back in time for the ultrasound tomorrow. Hoping.
Continuation of update: Thomas is nearing 2 1/2 (March!) and we're working on potty training - some days are LOTS better than others. Can I just say I DO NOT like potty training? I have done SO much laundry in the last week or so since we switched to "Big Boy Underpants"! On the other hand, those plastic covers that they make are AWESOME and save so much on the mess scale that I am so happy I found ones that fit him.
Beth (Elizabeth Rose) is due Feb. 18, we'll see when she actually shows up. I'm definitely in the "nesting" phase of pregnancy . . . I moved the changing table down into our room from the closet it's been living in, have all the clothes for her washed, folded, sorted, and in their baskets on the changing table shelf, all the blankets ready (folded on the bottom shelf), bassinet out and ready, then put on a shelf in our closet till needed, the swing and car seat covers washed and then put together, also in a closet till needed, floors vacuumed, laundry finished even to the blankets on our bed, half of the living room floor steam cleaned . . . all today, except most of the washing of Beth's clothes and blankets and car seat cover were all done earlier in the week. Not to mention the regular stuff, caring for Thomas and all. And of all things, I'm deciding to start posting to my blog again tonight, after a year.
We've got a cat (Annie, regular Domestic Short Hair) and a dog (Dandy, retired racing greyhound, new addition in August '07), and a nice Cape Cod style house that's 5 minutes by stroller to an awesome park. I mean really awesome, like drawing people from about 100 miles around on a good summer's day, about 7000 people on an average nice summer weekend day. Which means hopefully we'll be able to resell well and quickly this spring.
Ok, it's nearly 1 AM here, so off to bed . . . after I vacuum the kitchen rug, and sweep and swiffer in there. Not to mention that Thomas and I are going shopping tomorrow with friends, so I should really be asleep 2 hours ago. Oh, well . . . nesting!

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