Friday, February 1, 2008

Anyone out there speak Toddlerese?

I just spent the last 45 minutes trying to decipher what my 2-year-old was trying to tell me as he lay in bed - to absolutely no avail. Totally frustrating, the only way I got out of the room was asking him to tell me a story about it tomorrow. That was my second trip in after Clay tried, too. I'm inclined to start pulling out my hair at this point, because even after pondering the entire 45 minutes what he could be saying I'm no closer. Oh, well.
Finished another newborn dress today, and made a onesie. I took an inch out of the pattern before I ever even cut it to make it thinner, and about another inch in the sewing, and it's still closer to a small than a newborn size - and can I just say that "narrow hems" suck royally when it's all curves? Next time I'm chopping off more of the pattern, and taking out the quarter-inch where they want you to "narrow hem", I'll just finish the edge then turn it under once. I want to make at least 1 more newborn-sized onesie before Beth is born, preferably 2 - one short-sleeved and one long-sleeved. We'll see what happens, I've got a lot on the To Do list. Anyway, off to hang out with Clay a bit, and eat a bowl of ice cream!

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