Thursday, January 31, 2008


Ok, now I know the baby is coming soon . . . Clay has started nesting! He spent the evening moving around furniture (including a huge dresser!) getting it arranged for Beth's arrival. I don't remember this happening with Thomas, but maybe it was because I already had it all done . . .
I'm working on finishing a dress for Beth, thank you notes, dishes, and laundry - except not right now, while I'm taking a break and trying to remember a name for a thank you note I have yet to write. No luck. I was just browsing through the links on a friend's blog and found one to yet another blog - somebody I have no idea who they are, but they're apparently also due right around now. She's gone through all her nesting stuff too, and even planned out the clothes for Kid #1 to wear to visit Kid #2 in the hospital. I hate to admit it, but I hadn't even thought of that, in spite of my mom talking about how mortified she was at the condition of my brother and I when we went to visit my youngest brother - for the last 20 years. So now one other thing to add to the list of things to do - figure out Thomas' wardrobe for the length of our stay in the hospital. My rational brain says that this is a stupid thing to worry about, that it really is not difficult for any adult to figure out what to put on a 2-year-old. The mommy-and-wife part of my brain says I obviously need to worry about this because Clay goes into a bit of a panic when he has to dress Thomas and I *am* here to ask. I'm pretty sure the hospital stay will be the worst part of the whole experience - except that I wouldn't want to give birth at home (talk about a mess to clean up! Ugh, eew, and ick!) I'd have considered staying at home so as not to be trapped and be able to answer the infinite crises that erupt when I'm not available.
Time to get out the To Do list!

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