Sunday, February 17, 2008


Yay! I got to sleep in bed for nearly 3 hours last night! Actually, I could have still been sleeping right now - Beth is still asleep - but one of the disadvantages of nursing is that eventually you get really uncomfortable. Eventually, you wake up. Last night was long anyway, I wanted to get her started sleeping more in her bassinet post-feeding (we've been sleeping in the glider a lot since we got home!) but she kept waking up to eat. And eat, and eat, and eat some more. I wonder what the MPG rating is on a baby? And if you consider the cost of formula . . . makes you feel pretty good about gas prices! So it was a good night to get some horizontal sleep (as opposed to upright-ish in an extremely comfortable reclined glider). Both kids started crying around 5:30ish, so Clay took care of Thomas and I got Beth (who was presumably hungry again). Thomas didn't know what was wrong but was trying to give Clay a run for his money:
Thomas: "Daddy go downstairs!"
Clay: "You want Daddy to go downstairs? Okay . . ."
Thomas: "Thomas go downstairs too!"
Clay (catching on): "No(!), Thomas is not going downstairs, Thomas needs to go night-night."
Thomas: "Thomas rock!"
Clay: "No, we aren't rocking either."
Thomas cries.

For all that, I didn't mind getting the last 2 hours of feedings all down the front of me (twice), having to change pjs twice, another diaper, and more feeding and burping, all before poor Clay got back downstairs. I guess the first couple days of Beth being home were the Entr'Acte, now we're in Act II - "Life To The Fullest, With Two Kids".

Now I'm being paged - off to do some (more) feeding!

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