Saturday, February 9, 2008

Snowy day!

The weather people had called for "a little snow in the morning" - we now have over 4 inches sitting on the ground here. The awesome dude across the street was taking his snowblower and running it up everyone's driveways, so that was more than terrific. Clay is doing a review session for his students - they have an exam on Monday. I'm getting a little hangout time just by myself right now, Thomas actually went to sleep today for his nap (yay!). I probably should try for one too, but instead I ate Oreos. Which means no sleeping, or I'll wake up feeling super lousy. Beth's still pretending to be a bowling ball, I so hope she decides to join us soon. Like, today. I am so tired of not being able to sleep (no pun intended). I know it's "preparing me for caring for a newborn" - whatever. I much prefer the feeding and diapers to not being able to sleep due to pain and discomfort. I'm now down to 64 saved properties on, have been going through and weeding them down, then going to make a list of my favorites so we can make a shorter list of ones to look at when we go. Wow, life moves fast - except, of course, in regards to having a baby. She'd better show soon, she's sapping all my energy the last couple days and I'm not even keeping up with the dishes and laundry (did a bunch of it today but just because it was *that* bad on my clothing situation). The ninth month sucks.

1 comment:

Golden Girl said...

Maybe you should try cursing at her? It worked with Owen! Just wait til Monday afternoon to start anything, okay?