Wednesday, February 6, 2008


Back to Ohio we go! Clay accepted the offer from Ohio State earlier today, so starting May 18 he will be working back in Columbus! Now I guess I have to get serious about decluttering and packing stuff up and house cleaning. Which is what I should be doing right now.
Now all I need is for Beth to decide to show up . . . I am SO done being pregnant.


Jenn said...


And: auuuuugggggghhhhhh! I can't believe you guys are leaving!

Karen said...

Thanks! I'm not thinking much about it yet, I'm trying to talk #2 into showing up like, now, (it's not working). I started thinking about it a little bit seriously earlier and couldn't handle it, so I packed the hospital bag instead. And cleaned both bathrooms. And did all the laundry. And the dishes. And swept the floors. And took Thomas for a walk. And cleaned the entire inside of my car, plus windows. Feeling kind of pathetic for fantastiking the trim on my car right now, but still thinking of the other things that need to be done. All in all, totally ignoring the fact that 3 months from now we'll be living in another state. Again.