Wednesday, February 6, 2008

More nesting

And I have not, in fact, figured out what Thomas is trying to tell me - it took a half an hour tonight to calm him down enough to sleep without getting through to me. I need to figure out a way to record it and post so everyone can tell me what he's saying.
Got both bathrooms clean, the entire inside of my car, took Thomas for a walk, did the vacuuming, packed the hospital bag, did all the rest of the laundry and the dishes, and cleaned the crayon off of Thomas' walls and rocking chair (he did that yesterday, I was so ticked that I chose to ignore it until today). On the bright side, I discovered that the rocking chair is about 6 shades lighter than I thought it was - I cleaned off literally decades of grime (it was mine when I was his age) that I didn't know was there. For anyone who doesn't know, Mr. Clean Magic Erasers were sent here from Heaven Above as God's Gift to Mommies - especially in regards to crayon. I ran the thing over the arm of the rocker where the coloring was, took one look at where I had taken the crayon off and took the whole thing into the bathroom so I could scrub down the entire chair. I am so impressed with it - over the years it's had a couple pieces replaced with unfinished wood, and now they surprisingly almost match. I swear nothing in our house is that gross, I just thought the icky feeling was because the finish was old on the chair - you know how some old wood finishes get grimy feeling over time? If I remember I'll take a picture of it and post it here tomorrow. Now I'm off to bed, since Clay fell asleep about a half hour ago and it's pretty sad to see a 6'4" guy curled up on a loveseat - he *so* does not fit.

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