Tuesday, March 4, 2008

My afternoon

Part 1: So, I know that when you reach the stage where your kid is recognizing when he's gone pee in his pull-up that it's supposed to be a good thing. Can I just add the exception of it's NOT a good thing when aforementioned recognition occurs in the middle of naptime? Especially after hardly more than an hour on a day when we had to get up early.
Part 2: Picture this. While trying to convince Kid #1 that he really can't get up yet (uh-huh), Kid #2 starts demanding feeding at the top of her lungs. I head downstairs to pick up a cup of milk for Kid #1 and grab Kid #2. We all climb into the glider, Kid #1 on the left leg drinking milk while Kid #2 nursing from the right. I am SO glad no one with a camera was around, because that was probably a picture no one could pass up.
And Kid #1 is lying in bed talking still, a half-hour later.


Jenn said...

Although we all knew it already, it's official: you're Supermom!

Jenn said...

Actually, why qualify it? You're Superwoman!

Karen said...

*SO* not even . . .

Jill said...

You go girl!