Monday, April 21, 2008

Good news/bad news

Bad news: Clay's sister was in the hospital overnight for a racing heart - her heartrate was over 220! I can't even imagine, I'd be terrified. Apparently it's fairly common (something like 20% of people over 30 experience it) and she doesn't have to do anything (meds or anything) except have a followup appointment in 60 days. So, a bit of a scare but not nearly what it could have been!

Good news: We have a family coming over tomorrow evening to make an offer on the house! Yea! They seem really nice, they moved here a year ago from San Diego and started renting a house with the option to buy, but decided they do NOT want that house (it sounds like it might be kind of yucky). Here's hoping it all goes well ...

We've all been enjoying the gorgeous weather (it's been in the upper 60's through mid-80's), Thomas especially loves sidewalk chalk. Most common phrase heard in our house right now: "Ta-ess go ouside an do side-walk?!"
Beth officially chuckled for the first time last night. She had sort of heh!'d before, but we got 2-syllable chuckles last night. Heh-heh! I love watching the kids grow, I feel like I've turned around once and they both went from newborns to what they are now.
Speaking of gorgeous weather, we went over to the Freeze for the first time (last time) of the year on Saturday evening - we waited in line for (I kid you not!) over an hour! The line REALLY didn't look that long, but I guess the servers are still getting in their groove for the summer. Yummy though! While we were there, several people kept asking how old "he" (the baby) is. Beth was wearing pink.
And we wonder why the nation is in such a state.

1 comment:

Golden Girl said...

How exciting! And I can't believe that your dad will get to hear her chuckle before I will! Ah, well...I'll just try to make the best of it as I swim in the ocean on a sunny beach in Florida. I know! Next year I can take Thomas with me! Just kidding! Don't take me up on it!

I'm glad Clay's sister is okay. I still find it hard to believe that they just sent her home.

I can hardly wait to color with Thomas outside! At your new house!