Wednesday, April 9, 2008

It's a love-hate thing

I love being a mom because:
*unconditional love
*toothless grins
*"toothed" grins
*I have (and am the only one to have) the power to fix all the ills of the world (at least according to my 2-year-old)
*I don't have a boss to tell me what to do
*most days, I can have a mid-day nap if I want
*ever feel like the world wouldn't miss you if you were gone? Children are the definition of neediness. The world would end if I weren't around.
*spontaneous hugs
*getting to watch as my son starts to understand the workings of the world
*getting to see his sense of humor develop
*getting to watch him go head-over-heels for his sister
*I'd miss at least half of what's going on around me if Thomas didn't point it out to me - I'd never notice the schoolbuses, the big red trucks, or the little blue golf tee he spotted in the yard this morning
*Watching Thomas become able to do more and more things by himself all the time

I hate being a mom because:
*Thomas now wants to do EVERYTHING by himself ALL THE TIME - Heaven forbid I should try to help speed anything up
*I spent 20 minutes this afternoon picking up cat food that was ALL OVER the guest room - fully half the bag was strewn around the place
*I am currently a Giant Boob
*I can't just run off or take a nap or whatever without making arrangements for the care of my kids
*No independence
*The last time I got a full, uninterrupted night's sleep was . . . umm . . .
*If I never had to watch "It's The Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown" again until it's actually Halloween, it would be too soon
*I get SO TIRED of having to use the Mommy Voice

Ok, Internet, what do you both love and hate?


Jenn said...

I'll come over and watch "The Great Pumpkin" with Thomas any time!

I hate the dark circles under my eyes.

I love that my kid's starting to really find his voice and that he's coming out of his shell.

I also love his friends; he's got the coolest friends. Plus his friends have equally cool moms, so, bonus!

Golden Girl said...

I'll come over and watch "The Great Pumpkin" anytime, too. You can never hear "I got a rock." too many times!

I hate that I like to go to bed later and sleep later than certain people!

I love Springtime when all the grass starts to turn the most beautiful shade of green and all the flowers start blooming (I could really do without the sneezing, though).