Sunday, April 6, 2008


We've had tons of calls for the house, and lots of people wanting to see it - I've already lost track of the number of viewings. We've got someone coming for a second viewing tomorrow . . . keep your fingers crossed for us! The gal came today with her sister and real estate agent, and wants to bring her mom by tomorrow. She seems really nice, here's hoping she likes our nice little house enough to buy it!
We're all recovering from the trip to WV. Thomas woke up throwing up in the middle of the night last night, but doesn't seem any worse for the wear today. Beth has been kind of upset too, and I wasn't feeling the best either, so I think we must've gotten something at the memorial service or hotel. Ugh. On top of which, Clay is still sick (is he ever not nowadays?) so not a whole ton of help when he's sleeping (which is most of the time when he's home). If I had known the allergy shots would make him sleep this much, I'dve vetoed them from the beginning. Grr.


Jill said...

Why did y'all go to West Virginia?

Karen said...

My uncle passed away from stomach cancer a week ago and we went to the memorial service.