Tuesday, April 1, 2008


Clay's been down with a cold since Friday, and as of this morning it's official, he passed it on to Thomas too. Thomas's nose is running away without him, but other than that and being a little cranky he's not doing too badly. Beth is still sound asleep, I left a bottle with Clay this morning while Thomas and I went to the store, and she's been asleep since he gave it to her.
Jenn and Henry came over yesterday, it was great - Thomas started looking out the window watching for them to arrive as soon as he got up. The boys had lots of fun playing, I finished off Beth's dress, and Jenn worked on a cross-stitch she's been at since a junior in high school. I certainly have had projects unfinished since high school, but I have to admit giving up ever getting them done and just tossing them. Heck, I'm about to toss a project I started just a few years ago - a robe that I cut the wrong size (it was my first sewing experiment and I didn't know better, so I went with what their measurements on the back of the envelope said - that I was a size 10 - rather than my actual size of 4). Anyway, Thomas is pulling out my sewing fabric all over the place, so I'd better go stop that.
PS - Our new house is officially under full contract, all the radon and repair stuff negotiated and everything. Yea!


Jenn said...

Great news about the house! Yea!

Bad news about Thomas getting Clay's cold. Boooo!

Karen said...

Especially since now Henry will get it too! Sorry!

Jill said...

Congrats on the house! I'm so happy for you!