Friday, May 9, 2008

New House = Lots of Work!

Ok, sorry I've been off for so long, I haven't been on my computer much at all (I had about 2 dozen blog postings to read from my Bloglines last night) but there's been a lot going on! I'll post pics at some point, probably on Flickr first (it's easier to upload more). Anyway, bought the house, went to KY for Clay's graduation (that he graduated was cool, that we got to see Jill and JR was cool, the ceremony itself was pretty lame). Probably would have been cooler had it been the only thing going on right now. Because of the way the closing costs and $ from the sellers worked out, we actually forked over less cash than our down payment. How's that for cool? They were only estimating that the costs would be about $500 (I have no idea how we got so lucky on that!) then with the $ from the sellers ($1200) taken off that, we paid less than our official down payment. Sweet.
Clay headed back to PA to give his final and be there for the movers. The movers got there today and told Clay it would be 6 hours tops to get everything packed, but they didn't leave the house till about 8 PM (got there around 11 I think) so we must have a lot more crap than we need (or they thought!) Anyway, our stuff should arrive next Monday or Tuesday, so we'll be official Columbus residents soon! I'm thinking that the fact that we're again Ohioans will hit sometime around after our first night sleeping there.
The sellers left the house nice and clean, but we wanted to have everything as nice as we could before getting anything inside, so I've done tons of dusting, vacuuming, and steam cleaning this last week, and Mom and I washed windows today. I'm looking forward to getting everything there and settling in.
Ok, off to sleep now, but figured I'd post a bit of an update for my 4 readers! ;-)
Oh, and my computer isn't working right so don't be surprised if posting's a bit patchy for a while.

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