Thursday, May 15, 2008

Back again!

Our stuff arrived at the house on Tuesday and we're now unpacking like mad. I've gotten Thomas's room unpacked (I made it a first priority to get him settled in) and I think the kids' bathroom is all the way unpacked - as for everywhere else, well ...
Thomas is in a Big Boy Bed and loves his "Beep-Beep" (Lightning McQueen) bedding. Though when I asked him yesterday afternoon if he liked his bed (he loved it in the morning) he said, "No, I like Daddy's bed." Too bad for him, Daddy's bed is already taken!
Here's a shout-out for my sister-in-law Jill: She's going to be running in the Nike Women's Half Marathon with Team In Training. It's a fundraising adventure for the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society, and she'll be working her tail off to head out to San Francisco in October. It's a seriously major commitment, she can NOT back out once she's said "yes" (which she has). The way it works is they pay for her flight and room out there, but she's got to raise four times the cost. The other three parts go straight to leukemia and lymphoma research - 75 cents of every dollar, in other words. If you look at the stats on fundraising, that's not a bad percentage as is! So, to support a great effort for a great cause go to her TNT page and make a donation! You can keep tabs on how she's doing by reading her blog - send her a word of encouragement whenever you can.
Ok, off for breakfast then more unpacking the Sea of Brown!

1 comment:

Jill said...

Thanks, Karen! You're the best.