Monday, May 19, 2008


Ugh. Clay passed on his cold to both Thomas and I, I have no voice right now but am feeling better than I did at 6 when Beth woke up to eat. Clay has his first day of work today, so this morning we had to frantically search for the little container we keep the keys in so we could get his passport out of the safe. We never actually found it, but fortunately found an extra key where we keep the house keys.
I found a group of mommies online that live here in the Columbus area and do playgroups and such together, so I'm hoping to get started right away! We're still unpacking lots of boxes, but probably won't get much done while feeling lousy. After we're over our colds we'll try to get started with a playgroup regardless of how many boxes there are - try to get settled in and make friends right away!
Ok, off of here - Beth is awake!

1 comment:

Jill said...

Feel better soon!