Monday, June 23, 2008

Prepping for playgroup

We're hosting our first playgroup here tomorrow, I've spent a huge part of the day procrastinating. I did dishes and started laundry, plus steam-cleaned the carpet where Dandy peed (again!) but that pretty much is the extent of my productive activities. Granted, Beth's been having a rough day and needing held a lot, but it's telling that I'm procrastinating by writing a blog post about procrastinating. Ahem.
So, moving on ... life is good in spite of nasty headaches and suchforth, I'm superly looking forward to going to Cedar Point with my mom (and Greg & Sarah) this Saturday, I can't wait - a kid-free day! Clay and his mom and dad (so, mostly his mom) is going to watch the kids so I can run away for a little bit and have some fun. THEN on the 4th of July weekend we're doing our annual Girl's Weekend with me and Clay's mom and sisters - 2 kid-free times in a row! Seriously! I love spending my time with the kids (and it's nice to finally be getting us all settled and back in a predictable schedule) but this weekend can't come soon enough!
Ok, now I really need to stop goofing off and sweep floors, finish dishes, do more laundry, and generally pick up. And prep food (not much to do on that, thankfully!) Then I can waste some more time.

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