Friday, March 21, 2008

Do-nothing Day

Ok, so I didn't do Nothing, but I didn't really get anything accomplished. I ended up being needed by at least 1 of the kids the entire day, until about 10 minutes before Clay got home (and an hour before we went to Jenn and Dave's for an awesome pizza dinner). The only time Beth didn't need held, I was taking care of Thomas - go figure. Thankfully it's now the weekend, so Clay can hold the kid and I can get the house done. Yea! Not tonight though, I want to go to sleep!
I'm debating going to the Easter egg hunt tomorrow morning with Thomas, it's at 11:30 at the local park so he'll be awake in time but I don't know how Clay will feel about it - there really is a lot to do to get the house ready! We'll see how it is tomorrow, if the weather is icky forget it!
We've finally got our house in Ohio officially under contract (ok, so it's not ours yet, but I can call it ours in anticipation). The sellers came down a total of $9000 from where they had originally priced it, $4000 from the current listing price (they had already come down $5K before we had ever heard of it). Nervous about spending that much, but I don't think we'll be regretting it in the long run. The inspection is scheduled for Monday, here's hoping it goes well! The current owners had a pre-listing inspection done and fixed a bunch of stuff, we'll see how it is now. I'm not expecting anything too terrible, they've owned the place for 20 years and really done well with maintenance and all. I can't wait to get there! We'll close on April 30, so only 40 days. Wow, I've got so much to do here! Starting tomorrow - right now I want to go to bed!

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