Sunday, March 23, 2008

Long (short) night

Meaning the part where we were awake was long, the part we were asleep was too short! Last night around 11:00 Clay went down to the crawl space to take a bunch of the random stuff we've pulled out to make it less cluttered in here. He noticed several of the totes were on their sides, and when he went to take a closer look saw that they had water in them! Apparently when the creek near our house flooded a few weeks ago (it had rained/snowed several inches within just a couple days) the crawl got water in it - whether from the sump pump failing, the place where it drains out got frozen, or what we don't know. Now here's the sucky part . . . most of the baby clothes (not in use) were down there, so got all mildewey and gross. I got cracking on the laundry right away (after doing laundry all day long!) and would spin a load then put it in the laundry sink to soak in Oxyclean while spinning the next load. There were 2 loads of darks, 2 of lights - the sink would hold 2 loads at a time. So, I spun 1 load of darks, got it started soaking, spun the other and added to the sink. Then I spun a load of whites, moved it to a laundry basket while I spun half of what was in the sink, moved it to a separate laundry basket and spun the other half of what was in the sink then put the rest of the darks in their laundry basket. Then, while I spun the last of the lights for the first time, I got the other lights started soaking, then when the second half of the lights finished spinning, added them. Started an actual wash cycle of the darks, moved them through like a regular cycle of wash to the dryer, did the other half of the darks, same deal. I started half of the lights washing and the second half left in the laundry sink, this time soaking in a solution with laundry detergent too - and got to bed around 2 AM to start feeding Beth. Ugh.
On a happier note, we got to set up an Easter egg hunt for Thomas this afternoon, and he had a total blast. I got lots of pictures, which I'll post sometime in the next week once the house is more under control (yeah, right). We also put a For Sale sign out in the front yard yesterday! Keeping our fingers crossed . . .

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