Thursday, March 6, 2008

I love my job

Ok, so I know I've been complaining a lot about Thomas (I would say my kids, but I don't think Beth has warranted much complaining as yet), but can I just say I think he's absolutely the best kid ever? I did some thinking after a cool-down time last night (after posting my mini-rant) and decided that I've probably been a bit of a brat lately too - and I don't have the excuse of being 2. I also decided that probably a lot of what's been going on is the result of boredom at being cooped up in the house so much with winter and pregnancy and all. So, we did the trip to the gym this afternoon (after playgroup, which was as always a big help in attitude) and it was awesome. Thomas spent an hour running after balls, kicking them, and running after them some more. He got so tired that he laid down and wanted to "go night-night on floor!" He was so mad when we told him he had to go home and go to sleep in bed. After his nap I asked him if he wanted me to get out his legos. Now, he has this HUGE milk crate of Duplos and Mega Blocks, which had been taken away for a) a consequence of repeatedly not picking them up, and b) to make them cool and fun again by not having had them to play with for a while. So, I offered to get them out - "UH-HUH! Thomas is big happy!" How cool is that? And he's spent the last hour running Duplo trains around the living room, narrating how it's gone to get stone with Ooh-hoo (his grandad plows the roads and puts stone down as part of his job of taking care of the roads in their township), it's taking the stone to the trampoline, the stone is dark, the train is getting more stone from Daddy's shoes, etc. etc. It's been hilarious to witness, just beautiful kid-play. I love how his imagination is developing.
Ok, definitely time to finish packing for the trip to OH and some more house cleaning.

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