Monday, March 24, 2008


An appropriate title given all the cleaning being done around here - I've done umpteen loads of laundry, dishes, etc. etc. Clay got home early today (yea!) but promptly fell asleep (boo!). I plopped Beth on him (at least he was being a useful sleeper!) and got lots of sorting clothes done. Since the Great Crawlspace Catastrophe I've been washing baby clothes and sorting, etc. I'm getting rid of a bunch of the ones we never used for Thomas because they weren't in good shape - why I didn't do so before packing them up last time . . . we'll never know. Thomas fell asleep right before Clay got home (just after 3 PM) and didn't wake up until after 6:30! It was awesome, I was able to get so much done, I even took Dandy for a jog around the block. *Pats self on back*. Clay's complaining of a headache so I bullied him into taking some meds. You see, we really need to get to the store (Thomas has been wanting more juice since we ran out 3 days ago) and given his 3 hour nap, Clay does not get an excused absence from this shopping trip. Hee-hee! We just got the inspection results from the house on Clay's email, so he's reading through that ("while my headache goes away") then we're off to see the wizard . . . oh, no, nevermind, wrong story! ;-)

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